
....about summertime in the city

Yeah yeah, where do I start? Summer is almost half over. It's been great albeit very poor. I have started some paintings I have always wondered if I was able to transfer my style and designs to a canvas and paint. Turns out I can. Kind of well actually. It's exciting. Aaron helped me set up a painting desk in the bedroom. I look forward to it. Drawing is my usual forte, but the whole painting thing is pretty fun, I'm not gonna lie. Eventually I would like to get a decent digital camera so I can start posting some blogspot pictures of cool stuff. Like al the stars that are hanging from my ceiling. Or the painting I did above my bed. Eh. That takes money, which is always in short supply.

Speaking of money: Guess who paid off their IKEA card! One card down, three more to go. I am trying to concentrate on one at a time, starting with the smallest, so I don't over stretch myself. So IKEA down, that leaves Mastercard, Capital One, Kohl's, and Visa. Mastercard is the next one to go. I have already cut all these cards up so I cannot add to them, only subtract. There is only 300 left on Mastercard so that is the next one to go.

Aaron and I have decided that we need to be more healthy. We have both gained at least 20 pounds since we first met. So we are not eating out. And we are taking Max for long walks very other day. Today's goal is twice around Liberty Park. Max is a fatty pants dog so he needs the exercise too. A fatty pants but a CUTIE pants. He is giving me puppy dog eyes as I write this. If only I could get him to be nice to people and other dogs. For some reason he looks at little kids and thinks, "Intruder!!! Must bark profusely and look threatening" I am trying to socialize him, keeping him on a short leash, holding him when people pet him. I have been reading stuff online about socializing dogs and I am taking the advice but he is just making such slow progress. Well I guess slow progress is better than no progress.

Speaking of Aaron....LOVE him. We want to get married and have a family and buy a house together. We want to get a Great Dane and build a treehouse in the backyard. It's a dream for the future. Now is not the time, for several reasons but it's fun to plan ahead. I have never loved someone so much. I have never been so excited for the future with someone. He told me he wants to grow old with me. We go together so well. Like pieces of a puzzle. It's so much fun. And can I just say how hot he looks when he plays the drums. Whew.

So Jen had this super brilliant idea a few months ago. This idea was to have a ladies brunch the first Sunday of every month. We have met for three months now. I look forward to it every month. One new person has come each month so now it's up to six of us. We always meet somewhere and eat lunch and plan to hang out for a few hours which usually turns into like 5. And 5 still doesn't feel long enough sometimes. I love it! We have always been friends but more of a disparate group of friends. We rarely rarely ever saw everyone all together at the same time. But now we know that once a month at least we will. And I think it is making us better friends. I love my girls! Yesterday I went to Michelle's after work for her birthday and watched Twilight, wait let me clarify, mocked Twilight. And seriously, Massimo and Mariana are the cutest kids ever in the whole world. I just want to squeeze their cheeks. And I hope when I have kids, I can be a mother like Michelle. I admire her devotion and love and nurturing and good humor. Plus, I have known Michelle for like 7 years so I know how bad ass she is too. And today....Harry Potter! Which reminds me, I need to give Michelle her birthday present today. I forgot it last night.

And I have to admit, I'm pretty excited for school this year. PS I am now a Level II teacher. Which basically means I'm legit. Yeah. And I got an award of Excellence for my PRAXIS II test. Because I'm bomb at bullshitting. Each year I get better and I'm excited to try out some new ideas this year. I'm in the best time of my life, seriously. I love my job and have a steady paycheck, I adore my boyfriend, I have awesome friends, a rad dog, a cool house. Compared to a year ago, I'm like a different person. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I worked hard and put up with a lot of shitznit to get here. And it's only going to get better because I am a stronger person now.