
you know...

i like blogging. blogging is good for me. it's keeping up with blogging that i have a problem with. i read my favorite blogs every day, it's something i look forward to. but writing in my own is not something i am good at remembering to do. i guess i just get so caught up in stuff that i don't stop to write. not that it matters. my blog isn't for anything. it's not a blog about accomplishing a goal or anything. it's just random useless stuff. so maybe what i really like is the IDEA of a blog. a really cool one with witty, funny entries and nuggets of creative wisdom and pretty pictures and great ideas. i know what one problem is. i have no natural affinity for picture taking. good blogs seem to be as much about pictures as it is about writing. but i have never been the type of person who remembers to take pictures. i know people who carry their camera around in their pocket or bag just in case. i'm not even sure i know where my camera is. and sometimes i will think 'you know, i should bring my camera, just in case.' then it sits in my bag unused until i finally clean out my purse a month later and set it back on my dresser. i just never remember it.

anyway, here's to writing.

and a new year! i know that the new year is not technically a fresh start but it feels like it should be and that's almost just as good. because, really, who gets real fresh starts anyway? besides babies? whether you get out of jail or move to a new state or start a career or get out of rehab or whatever, you're still you. you still have the same ideas and thoughts and behaviors. maybe you learned your lesson, maybe you didn't. either way, it's never a for real fresh start. but seriously i think a fake fresh start feels pretty much as good as a real one would. therefore, i like new years. i don't really make specific resolutions. more like.....decisions. in my head. thought decisions. that go something like this. 'this year i need to try to be a more organized person.' that's it. no specifics. that way i don't get bogged down in the details. i leave wiggle room.

today i really cleaned the middle level of my house. i mean really cleaned. like went through all the cabinets and the bookcase. everything. it feels fantastic. like a faux fresh start should.

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