
it snot funny

By the way, we are seven weeks into the school year and I am already in my third round of sickness. Or should I say, snotness. I love the beginning of the school year. Fresh, smiling, new germs....i mean students eagerly awaiting your first word(it's only the first one they care about, after two, they're gone forever). I seriously did not know it was humanly possible to produce this much snot. I feel like I should start wearing some kind of snot shield around. I'm scared to death of accidentally shooting a snot rocket in front of my class. I cannot think of any worse purgatorial punishment than launching accidental snot rockets for all eternity. Well, maybe I can. Laundry comes to mind. Besides the point. Or SNARTING! OMG, I did just think of something worse than snot rockets. I would forever be known as THAT teacher, the one who sneezed and accidentally ripped one in front of a silent classroom. Oh God. What have I done? I will now have to clench for as long as I live. Baby got back ya'll. I'm not entirely sure how I got from snot to Sir Mix-a-Lot, but girlfriend(or bf, whatevs), here we are. What I'm trying to say is I'm sick. And I work in a petri dish. Send thoughts of chicken soup and Sprite my way. Thanks.

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