
...some highlights

from the first three weeks.

"Love is a magenta shoe. I don't know how it is but trust me, it is."

"That's Ms. Hardcore to you."

"Ms. Teacher?" "Yes, Mr. Student?"

"This project is only going to take me like five years."

"This is my best friend that just transferred into this class. Can she sit by me?" Hmmm...let me think about that one.

"This is Art class, not drama class. Save it for after school please."

"You are seriously the only teacher who makes us do that."

"Hey, Miss H. I hear you are like the coolest English teacher ever." "Is that right?" "Yeah, everybody says." "Well, everybody also likes to spread salacious rumors, you shouldn't believe everything you hear."

"I love you like potatoes."

"I don't want to write a poem about myself. I'm not a narcissist." "A. Good word choice. B. You don't have to be a narcissist to write a poem about yourself."

"Sarcasm is my favorite literary device. Followed closely by exaggeration."

"In the desk, not on it please."

"Whoa, too many people in my bubble. Back away from the bubble."

"I apologize. I'm just confused. Why are you out of your seat without permission again?"

"Congratulations. You will forever know the meaning of "pulchritudinous" after this class."

"Free writing is like blowing your nose. Most of the time, it's just snot. But sometimes... you get something juicy."

"Sometimes you write something and then read it later and think, 'man, I'm good!' There's a little hidden genius poet in every single one of you. You just have to stop hating poetry enough to let it out"

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