
Saturn and your anus or Turning 29

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. The purpose of posting today was to make a list. That was before I discovered the joy of tangents. I'm fond of lists. I like to make them and then immediately forget about them. This list is my 28 things to do before I turn 29. So, I have heard that 29 is the worst year of your life. From several sources. Supposedly Saturn comes out of your anus or something and I go crazy(er). Hence, the list. And it has a theme. It is titled, "28 Supposedly Semi Sane Things To Do Before I Go Crazy at 29." I have a month so I had to keep it simple. You understand.

1. Paint a wall in my new house bright green.
2. Find five more letterboxes.
3. Take a nap.
4. Clean my classroom.
5. Write a letter to someone who lives in a different state.
6. Paint a big painting.

Ummmmmm.......I'm running out of ideas. 28 is a lot of shit to do. And I'm not that motivated I guess. Maybe my list should be six things to do before I turn 29.

7. Go to Lava Hot Springs for a good sulfur soak.
8. Buy more plants for my classroom.
9. Hmmm......make my bed.
10. Sew a pillow
11. Get a massage
12. Write a haiku (I'm getting desperate here, can you tell?)
13. Read a whole book
14. Update my class blog
15. Find a photobooth and take some photobooth pictures
16. Have a housewarming/dinner party
17. 80s night at Area 51....throwback ya'll
18. Clean my car
19. Find something new and awesome to collect that no one else is collecting like vintage irons or something weird

Oh my God, there's still like 47 to go! I'm running out of ideas!

20. Eat at the Hi Hat Diner in Sunset
21. Make a pie from scratch
22. Eat some fruits and veggies(and Doritos or Sunny D do not count!)
23. Figure out how to teach Latin and Greek roots without putting my students to sleep
24. Light a candle at the Mary Tree
25. Draw the letter R in my alphabet series

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Damn! 29 sucks already!!!!! It's so many numbers! What am I going to do when I'm like 65? I can't think of that many things to do!

26. Get my drivers license back(apparently I am a failure at life and forgot to show proof of insurance in 2008 so now the state of utah is trying to steal my soul or something)
27. Do another dance in the woods and take a Polaroid of it

This is the last one, that means it has to be good. I don't work well under pressure. Actually, I work better under pressure that's why I never finish anything unless it has to be done RIGHT NOW but still, my point remains. I don't know if I can handle this much expectation. What to do? I know!.....

28. Watch the three original Star Wars movies!

This, my friends, is a bomb(as in THE bomb, or BOB-omb if you will, not dynamite) list. I do believe documentation is in order.

1 comment:

Mama Michelle said...

2. You can get three knocked out of the way in Delta.
7. We have Lava Hot Springs about 20 minutes from my house!
28. We own all the Star Wars movies. You will have to watch them with Chris though because I am not so fond.