
!!! or You all heard it here first

So we leave in about five hours to drive to California for my brother's wedding. I don't know what time it is there but it is about 11 pm here. Five hours from now is about 3am. 3 AM?!?! I don't even know what 3 am looks like anymore. Gone are the days of my carefree youth and five hour sleep cycle. If I only sleep five hours now, I am one grumpy teacher and grumpy teacher ain't pretty. I'm just not a young pup anymore. If I stay up too late, I pay for it. So now that I cant stay up late anymore, I should be able to get up earlier right? That's how getting older works isn't it? WRONG! So apparently, getting older for me means just getting lazier. And more tired. This does not seem fair to me. I think that if I have to give up my late nights, I should at least gain early mornings. It's only even. But nooooo. I go to bed at a reasonable hour like the good responsible person that I am* and I get my eight blissful hours of sleep. Yet, when the alarm goes off, it might as well be a surprise test of the emergency broadcast system. SURPRISE!!!! I AM BLARING HORRIBLE COMPUTER GENERATED RINGTONES INTO YOUR EAR! Nothing. I might as well be hibernating. I can remember my mom puling the covers off of me and threatening cold water on the first day of junior high. What kid sleeps through the first day of junior high? Unfortunately, they learn soon enough that they will wish they slept through junior high. Or there are those who WILL actually sleep through junior high. But I digress. So, now, I have this after FIVE hours no FOUR hours of sleep. This ain't gonna be pretty folks.

*My students and I have long agreed that modern socety is in desperate need of a sarcastic mark. Like a question mark but for when you are being a smart ass. W have even had discussion about what said mark would look like. How, in this age of facebook and sliced Wonder bread do we not have a sarcastic mark? Tell me I'm wrong. Because I'm not and you know it. Let me show you what I mean. Example text conversation:
You: So, I think we should train for a marathon.
Me: Yeah, ok
You: Really?
Me: No
Now, if after the yeah, ok I could just insert a little sarcasm mark, I would have eliminated two whole unnecessary texts thus saving me about 4.2 seconds of precious time. Do you see the importance of this? Amazing what you can do with 4.2 seconds. You could take like 3 steps or fart or even spit out your toothpaste. I'm telling you, this idea is going to make me famous. It will be the MsH mark. (I don't know ho to pronounce that either but we will make do kind of like that band called "!!!")

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