
Last few days: saw Journey in concert, got a tattoo on my foot, went to the bar a lot, made a stupid decision, went on a date with a very cute artist boy, slept in a bunch, ate rice and cheese burritos from Beto's, got in a fight with my sister, went to a sex toy party, got drunk, smoked too much. I've been busy.

Sometimes my roommate drives me fucking crazy. He was talking today about how he took his daughter to the pool to go swimming and got pissed because half the pool was taken up by "fat asses jumping up and down and waving their arms. fat people should be banned from the pool." So, I got into this argument with him about it because it pissed me off that he said that. Oh so, because he is scrawny, he has more of a right to be in the pool than fat people? At least those people are doing something about it, at least they got out of their house and are trying to fix their current situation. I pointed out his hypocrisy in the matter too...he bitches about overweight people and how much they bug him because they don't do anything about it, they just eat and don't exercise and get fatter yet then he turns around and bitches about how much he hates fat people at the pool and the gym, getting in his way. WTF? Am I the only one who sees the problem with this? So, what would YOU like them to do? Where does he deem them ALLOWED to go? Fuckin bullshit. I told him that he is like the stupid kid in elementary school who made fun of the fat kid in order to hide his own intellectual faults. I am still annoyed about this and we had this discussion almost an hour ago.

My neighbor two doors down asked me to collaborate on some paintings with him. Sweetness.

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