
...the new place

Yay, I have internet now.

I am moved into my new place but not settled yet. Still have some unpacking and organizing to do. But I'm having a hard time being motivated to do so, it seems. I love this place. I am walking/ biking distance from almost everything. My neighbor is awesome. Last night we ate fruit snacks and bitched about boys. The dating pool is not better on that side either apparently. It's a cool place. I rode my bike to the Gateway a few days ago and visited the bookstore. Me and my friend, Chris walked to the club last night, had some drinks and walked home. We had girls night last week, which was so much fun. We were hanging out on the front porch and watched some guy get arrested. So yeah, fun. Wait what? Arrested what? That's right. I live across the street from the homeless shelter. So, there's always something going on. Drug deals, people stripping in the street, talking to themselves, getting arrested. It's crazy. When we were walking home last night, some guy came up to Chris and started asking him weird questions. Like propositioning him or something. It's ok though. They kind of stick to their world and we stick to ours. The neighbors tell me they have never had any problems. It's pretty chill. Except that I left my bike locked up outside and someone stole the lights off of it. Good thing I always take the front wheel off or I might not even have a bike at all. Fuckers.

I'm having so much fun! It's summer and I don't have schoolwork to do and I'm sleeping in and taking long baths and drinking coffee at night time and reading and going out. It's amazing. I feel so much better. Better than I have in weeks. Apparently this move was just what I needed. If only my house was all set up now. I'm not too worried about that though.

I think I am going to Ogden tonight to see an old friend. This old friend is a "friend." I've known him since I was probably 19. He used to be one of the popular guys at my high school and I was an art nerd. Needless to say, our circles did not mix if you know what I mean. But we met up afterwards(long story involving a wrong number, Target and a chick named Lydia). It's kind of weird, hanging out with someone who would never have even given me the time of day when we were in HS. But we have been friends for almost ten years now so I guess it's not so weird anymore. I didn't talk to him for a while because I was with Jason but we started talking again today. It's nice to re-meet old friends.

When I was unpacking I found this old book called Writing for Self Discovery. It has little exercises to help you become a better writer while also helping you explore yourself. I was flipping through it and I think I may start using it. On here. So tomorrow, I will write Exercise 1: At This Moment.

Today I noticed: two liter sodas ALWAYS go flat after two days, no matter how tightly you screw the cap on.

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