
...4 more days

The schedule for this week: Monday- Assembly in which I am performing in a dance and a skit with some other teachers. Tuesday- Yearbook Day Wednesday-Historians Assembly Thursday-what the fuck? Why do we even have school on Thursday, I'm not even entirely sure. It's not like we have actually been doing anything for the past week. I spent Friday with the kids who did actually attend school, which was not very many, teaching them how to play the card game Speed. I think I had about 5 kids in each class, well except for the one where I had 13. It's a waste. But we had fun. We were having Speed tournaments. I told them we could play cards but gambling was strictly forbidden. Oh we also played a game called JabberJot in two of the classes. It's a game where you pull a certain number of random pictures and 3 random words and you have 2 minutes to write a story about the three pictures that includes the three words. The goal is to be funny. We had some really good ones! It's a brain stretcher, that's for sure. My favorite one I wrote was this, "One night as I was relaxing and enjoying my hot fudge sundae by candlelight, I noticed a UFO stop outside my window. Hello! Interrupting much! The appalling audacity, I couldn't believe it! The astronaut in the UFO motioned towards his mouth and I could make out the word, "HUNGRY." So I opened the window and gave him the melted remains of my ice cream sundae and he gave me two dancing wooden mannikins that he had picked up at IKEA as a gift. Thanks...I think." The words were sundae, audacity, and astronaut. The pictures were of a candle, a UFO, and two dancing wooden mannikins. It was a stretch, I know. It was fun. Honestly, this is the BEST part about teaching...when we get to hang out like that.I get to know my students and they get to know me and we have an enjoyable time. My favorite part of being a teacher is getting to know them and building relationships with them and being a trusted role model. It's a lot of pressure too, but so worth it. It makes me hold myself to a higher standard and I appreciate that.

I have been so busy packing and getting ready to move. It's craziness. I'm so excited for my artspace, I just hate the moving part. I drove past the townhouses again last night, just to convince myself that they really exist, I guess. And that I will be there within the week. I have managed to accumulate a lot of shit over the years. Every time I move there is more and more. I'm thisclose to hiring some movers. 100 bucks an hour, I can handle that. I think.

Red Lobster blows. I was there for 8 hours and made 87 bucks because we were so dead and I had a shitty section and two tables screwed me over. A family that made a HUGE mess left me 2 bucks on 70. And, I got in trouble three separate times on Saturday. For being late, for not coming in prepared to work and for using my phone. I hate how I'm in charge all week and then I go to the restaurant on Saturdays where I'm the bottom of the totem pole and feel like I am being babysat and nagged. It's disconcerting. I went to the bar after work and was bad company because I was so tired and down feeling.

I need to snap out of this. I'm usually so bubbly and lively and I feel like a big puddle of blah. And this seems to have become my place to unload it all. I just need to feel in control again. I feel like I'm stuck, like the wheels are spinning but the car's not moving.

1 comment:

educat said...

You are worth the movers. Either that, or you're worth a maid service to come clean the place your're moving from or to. Maybe you're worth both. Did you need to hear that from someone? You're welcome.

Moving right after school is out totally sucks. You really should have a week to detox from school.

I feel your pain. Push through.