
...stupid stuff

School is over for this year. My second year of teaching is completed. And I am officially hired back for next year. Same thing, 4 periods of 9th grade English and 2 periods of 7th grade Art. I'm excited for summer. The last day of school was pointless. I only had one class of students because my ninth graders were done the day before. So I had my one class help me clean my classroom. It is beautiful. It will remain so until probably about the third week of school. It doesn't take long. Anyway, cheers to summer. Sometimes when there is no school, I don't really know what to do myself. School occupies so much of my time and energy that without it, it feels weird and I don't really know what to do. Oh well, I will get into the swing of it. I am going to make a list of goals for this summer:
1. Prepare for next school year
2. Read all the YA books that are on my to read list
3. Read some adult books too
4. Finish up to "M" on my alphabet
5. Complete a very large canvas painting
6. Pay off my VISA card and my loan
7. Save up some money for rent through the school year
8. Start yoga class with Kim
9. Ride my bike or walk every day
10. Get back to the healthy eating habits I used to have before I became a lazy teacher
11. Move into my new place and make it awesome!
12. Go out and have fun a bunch!
13. Spend some quality me time

About my new place, what a pain in the butt this is. The woman who lives there now won't leave. She informed them that she was canceling her 30 days and wasn't going to leave. They told her that she signed a contract to be out in 30 days and that it had already been rented to someone else. Doesn't matter, she still won't leave. So, now they have to evict her and get attorneys involved. And if she still doesn't leave, they have to charge her with trespassing. In the meantime, I have to wait until she leaves to be able to move in. I was supposed to move in yesterday and now I'm just waiting. Everything is in boxes and shambles, ready to be moved and I have to just wait. Lame.

Another lame thing, I started hanging out with someone so totally cool. He is so awesome, cute and smart and funny. We like the same books and the same movies and he's a great kisser. It seemed like we were having so much fun and getting along really well and all of a sudden two nights ago he changed. Acted so distant and now he barely acknowledges me. I f-ing hate stuff like this. I have no idea what I did wrong, or if I even did anything wrong. This is why I always avoid dating because of exactly stuff like this. I don't deal with uncertainty very well. I start feeling really self-conscious and my confidence goes out the window and I start apologizing too much and trying to fix it which in the end only makes it worse. I freak myself out exactly when I shouldn't no matter how much I try not to. I'm not even attached and just wanted to have fun and hang out with nothing serious but as soon as it started to feel weird, I freaked myself out and started worrying. I hate that I do that. I'm ok now I think. I decided last night that I don't really care. What happens, happens. I'm ok with whatever. But one thing is for sure, I am not going to bug him anymore, no more pursuit from me. That doesn't seem to stop me from checking my phone though. Blah.

Enough mopiness. I need to go put my clothes in the dryer.

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