
...some weird days

It has been the strangest few days. I don't really know why, it just feels strange. Off somehow. Maybe because I'm nervous about moving and feeling sad about not being with Jason anymore. It was just a weird weekend. I had an extra day and managed to accomplish nothing. No packing, no laundry, no cleaning, nothing.

First, Saturday was Red Lobster so it sucked. As usual. I love life too much to be working at such a mind numbingly dull second job.

Sunday, I overheard my sister get in a fight with her boyfriend on the phone in which they argued about whether to breakup. Which is weird, because they always seemed like such a happy couple to me. They worked it out, which is good.

Yesterday, my friend Jen bought tickets to see Mike Ness, so I went to the show with her. The show was really cool. I got hit on by a guy who was probably 10-15 years older than me. He was so shy and self conscious that I couldn't be rude. I gave him my number. He called tonight. But I don't really want to go out with him and I don't know how to go about it. I'm so awkward at stuff like this. I've been with Jason for two years, I'm out of practice when it comes to being single. Plus, I don't get hit on a lot so I never know how to handle it. After the show, Jen and I went to a bar with some of my friends. Everyone proceeded to get shitfaced except for me because I had school the next morning and was the driver. When I say shitfaced, I mean so drunk that I literally had to walk each of them out to the car one at a time and help them get in. One kept trying to convince me that he wanted to have sex with me. One tried to lay down in the sidewalk, I had to pull over for one to puke and then he started crying because he said he was embarassed. I did not get home until 3 am. I don't mind though, we had fun. And I know they would do the same for me. In fact, I expect them to one day haha. It was surreal almost. I have not been told I'm awesome so many times in one night in my life. They all wrote me within five minutes of each other this morning, saying thanks and sorry.

Today, oh Holy Mother of God, today. I was thisclose to calling in a sub but thank goodness I did not because unbeknownst to me, mostly because I don't pay attention at faculty meetings very well, today was locker cleanout day. We have not had any locker cleanouts throughout this year and I now know that was a big mistake. I have never seen so much crap crammed into such small spaces before in my life. And they left such a mess. I was supposed to check and sign off a section of 20 lockers and I told everyone in my section that I would not sign them off until everyone was done and everything was off the floor in that area. So, my section of lockers was relatively clean. But the rest of the hall was a danger zone. They just threw all their paper and books and garbage right on the floor. Kids were slipping on all the paper. Granted, it gets messy during locker cleanout but this was just disgustingly ridiculous. I was embarassed. Then, kids were supposed to go back to their first period until the final bell but since I'm right by the front door, I noticed that kids were trying to sneak away so I stood guard at the door. While I was standing guard, I notice a group of kids farther down the hall throwing garbage at each other and trying to run and slip through the paper and roll garbage cans at each other, spilling everything out of them in the process. So I head down there and ask what's going on. And get this, they get attitude with me! "Who do you think you are, getting in our faces? You're not our teacher! We don't have to listen to you." I was like, "Oh no, you just did not start a battle of attitude because that is a battle you will lose." I herded them into their classroom, where they had a sub, and told them not to leave until the principal gets there. One kid responds with, "Mr. Moody is a dookie." I respond with, "Guess who just got themselves detention. Anyone else want a turn?" But of course, the bell rings before the principal gets there and they all take off. In the meantime of all this, my class is just hanging out in my room. Here is a little background on this particular class I intercepted. This class belongs to a 7th/8th grade English teacher who is retiring this year. But her students have been watching movies and listening to audiotapes for many years now. They come to me in the ninth from her class knowing how to take movie notes and sneak ipods in their hoodies. We all know she hasn't been teaching anything but what can you do. So, when I went into that class today all I could think was, "And I get you next year." And a little part of me hopes I get them next year. Because I don't deal very well with disrespect and that's what these kids have because that's what they've gotten away with. I'm sure I sound like a crotchety old woman but this is the honest to god truth. I am the most laidback, easygoing person in the world and my students know this. That's why we have so much fun. But they also know that I don't take shit. And that's why they trust me.
Can I just say...I love my little junior highers to pieces, they are fun and amazing little people and I learn so much from them but sometimes some of them just piss me right off.
7 days left...thank the Lord.

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