
...some fun stuff

It's weird. Fridays are short days but they feel like they take sooo long.

"Miss H, you're like one of my favorite teachers ever. For lots of reasons. But mostly because you can read really good."
??? "Ok, that's a good reason" I say.
"Well, like when you read out loud to us, you don't go too fast or too slow and you make it sound interesting. Other teachers read out loud and it's like torture. Plus, when you talk about stuff, it's interesting the way you say it."
I think I can honestly say that is one of the best compliments I have ever gotten in my whole life.

There are 8 days of school left. And while I am very excited for summer break, I am also kind of sad. We had fun this year. It's been a good one. Some good kids. I'm sad to see them go. I'm reluctant to hand my little ninth graders over to the great whirlpool we call high school. Next year, it's all new kids and all new attitudes. I got this group down now. I know what it takes and now I have to start all over again. I will miss the little kiddies.

I announce with great pride and pleasure the amazing opportunity I have received. I am going to be a chaperone on the ninth grade Lagoon field trip. Whooooo!

Also, we are having a Faculty Follies assembly, where the faculty does the skits and stuff. I am in the dance. With 6 other teachers. My school faculty are such party poopers. Only 6 of us volunteered to be in it. I suck at dancing and singing and performance stuff. I can draw. And talk. I'm a damn good schmoozer. But I can't dance. But I'm taking one for the team and dancing to a remix of Born to Be Wild. Yay. I will let you know how I survive that. I just hope that I don't biff it in front of my whole school.

I saw 10,000 BC at the dollar theater with my brother yesterday. Not near as epic as we were hoping. And what a hokey ending. Come on. The coolest part was the slave revolution and that only lasted like 3 minutes and was so anticlimactic. Ten thousand slaves versus like 20 soldiers and 10 priest guys. Lots of really hot scantily clad scruffy dudes though. And it's a little hard to feel victorious at the end when you know that the Egyptians, Aztecs, Incas, Romans, Brits, Vikings...etc etc etc are next in history. The white guys and the African guys all work together and then 12,000 years later, the white guys steal the African guys and make them slaves all over again. And everybody was dirty and dred-y except for their perfect, gleaming, white teeth. And I want a saber tooth tiger as my bodyguard. Good thing I only paid a dollar.

I rode my bike to Greenhouse Effect coffee shop. It's about 15 blocks away. It was a sweet ride. And then I drew in my sketchbook. And they make the best iced mochas ever and trust me, I have had a lot of iced mochas from a lot of different places. I have noticed something though...about coffee shops. There are the same people who hang out at every single one. They have different faces but they are the same people. The same "types" of people. There is always the obnoxious just barely 21 year olds and sit and talk about getting drunk and use words like "thingamabobber. There's always the gothic couple who sit and rub each other's hands while their friend(because there is always one friend with them) spys on myspace. There is always the old dude who dresses and talks and acts like he is still 20 and he is usually dressed like a biker. There is always the two normal people who look like they are out of place somehow, usually a new married couple, a mom and daughter or sisters. There is usually someone who has a mohawk. Someone who is wearing all black. Someone who is chainsmoking Camel Reds. Someone with a much too oversized hoodie splashed with the logo of some shitty band like ICP. And there is always a loner sitting by themselves, drawing in a sketchbook or writing crappy poetry in a Moleskine. That would be me.

Does anyone want to buy me a copy of Life Aquatic? Because I was just thinking about how much it rocks today.

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