

We started part 3 of Fahrenheit. And the first ten pages say the word damn. a lot. oh no. so I warned them about it because you honestly never know who will be upset by it. One kid in seventh was like, "serious? Like we haven't all said that word on our own like a ton of times." I replied, "Of course not. You are all perfect angels who do nothing wrong, right?" followed by a very meaningful look. They caught on that I was joking and all answered, "Ohhh, yeah of course we are." I had one kid in sixth and one in seventh who graciously offered to provide "beeps" whenever the word damn came up. I told them that I was still going to read them because that's the way the book was written but they could provide a beep at the right time if they wanted. N in 6th was right on cue every time but J in 7th just wasn't on it. He always got anxious and "beeped" before I even got to the word or "beeped" long after I said it. One time, I could tell he was gearing up for it and then the word came up and he yelled, "'Dammit!' Oh no! Oops!! I meant beep!! I was reading the word and said it on accident, oops! sorry!" Right after he yelled dammit, his eyes got huge and he started spluttering apologies and the class cracked up and he looked so genuinely mortified that I couldn't say anything because it was so obviously an accident. We had a good laugh about it though. I told the class, "Oh good, now you can all go home and be like 'guess what I did in school today? listened to Miss H say the d word a whole bunch.'" Well, at least we had a good day. I really do try to make them laugh at least once each period. It lightens the mood and makes school that much less irritating.

10 days to go! I'm trying to get rid of some stuff. at home and at school. My classroom has been a disaster for about a week while I try to clean out my cupboards and get everything put away. My house has been a disaster for even longer while I try to go through stuff and get rid of stuff and pack. I just feel so heavy. So laden. Not just my house and classroom but everything. My body. My mind. Everything. Like I need to do some major spring cleaning and renovation. Like I need to get rid of STUFF. I need to be healthier and lighter and cleaner and neater. Then I will feel so much better. Maybe this move is a good thing. A fresh, new thing.

Next year, I am going to use Poetry 180. It's a program endorsed by Billy Collins. Who I saw speak in Ogden last year and who is fucking incredibly witty and brilliant. 180 of the best poems, according to him, are gathered into books. There are 180 school days...so one poem for each day. And this program is designed to get students used to just appreciating language. Each day, you read a poem from the book. There is no assignment with it, nothing to write or answer or analyze. You just read it. One a day. And the goal is to get students used to just hearing language and poetry and learning to see the beauty of it rather than groaning with the prospect of having to pick it apart and put the pieces under a microscope, like they seem to have to do with so many assignments in English class. I think it will be a routine next year. Each day, starter will be 3 minutes, correct the starter, then read a poem. I really like that idea.

I saw Prince Caspian this weekend. Ok, honestly, I am such a fantasy geek I have decided. I love that shit for some reason. Golden Compass, Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter....hell yes. Plus, I loved loved loved the Regina Spektor song at the end of the movie.It sucks though, you have to buy the whole soundtrack to get te song on itunes, it's not available on its own. damn. maybe payday.

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