
...a bad mood

I was so bitchy today. I don't even know why. Maybe because it's monday. and a full moon. and 11 days until the end of the school year. and i went to bed late last night. But I was just so easily annoyed. Kids who were talking while I was talking, and texting in class, and asking me stupid questions like "where do I sign up for supplies?" when they have been signing up for supplies in the exact same place for 6 months. So then afterwards, I go to the store to get some creamer for my coffee tomorrow and the lines are loong and I get stuck behind the lady ringing up 75 petunia plants who doesn't know how to work the self checkout. I was so frustrated! Thank God I am back home. I am not leaving my house again tonight, I do not want to deal with the world. And why don't stores give away boxes anymore. Every store I ask says they can't. I'm sorry if I think 2 bucks a box is way too much to pay. Geez. I think the problem is all in me. I am probably just being way too fucking impatient and testy. I need a nap.

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