

My butterflies hatched today! I always have some little animal thing going on in my room like an ant farm, aquasaurs, sea monkeys, etc. My students really dig it. They like to watch it. Anyway, now I have butterflies. I had caterpillars and they made cacoons and today they started hatching out of their cacoons. (ps the word cacoon does not look right, did I spell it wrong?) One hatched during sixth period and the other during seventh. I was sitting on my tall stool, reading the next ten pages of Fahrenheit 451 and the butterfly holder was sitting on the desk in front of me facing the class. And it hatched while I was reading. So some of them saw it but I didn't. The kid in front was joking about not being able to stop watching the butterflies. After it hatched, I asked him if he saw it and he nodded. I said, "And you didn't tell me?!?!?" He laughed and said, "Well, I was too distracted, you put them right in front of me, I couldn't think straight." So anyway, I have butterflies.

And I bought stuffed salmon for dinner and failed to read the ingredient list. And there are onions. What a waste of 8 bucks. If there is any food on this earth that will make me go into tremors of disgust, it is onions. The smell, the texture, the taste....gross gross gross. They ruin the flavor of anything they are added to. I have tried too. I promise, I really have. I'm 27. I still hate onions. I think that's just the way it will always be. Although, I guess this salmon is not totally wasted. I just unstuffed it.

So, it is about 15 days until the end of the school year. This is not good. This means I have 11 days to finish the novel and we are on page 22. I guess I'm going to be skipping some stuff. I always start cleaning out my room this time of year. Emptying my filing cabinets and cupboards. It's always amazing how many things I find that I thought were lost forever, how many books I retrieve and things I have that would have been so nice to use during class, but I had forgotten about them. This summer, I will be babysitting 8 class plants and 3 fish.

Oh yeah and I'm a chaperone on the ninth grade field trip to Lagoon. Yay.

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